Introducing the kiddos.

Here are Ruskin, 15, Matti, 7, Anton, 2 and a half and Neve, 2 months. The source of vast amounts of happiness, and a bit of tiredness too!

Ruskin in Istanbul, Istiklal Caddesi

An older picture of Matti. Top from Polarn o Pyret.

Anton on Heybeliada on the balcony, photo through the window.

Neve only a few weeks, with her baptism hat and brown Monsoon dress.

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One thoughts on “Introducing the kiddos.

  1. I love the blog already! Delightful children on it. It makes me want to wake them up for a cuddle, but probably that would not help this blog happen. And can I ask that you go gentle with me and post a photo from some years ago?


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