Egg Shaker

Neve 8.5 months

Neve 8.5 months

Neve 8.5 months

Neve 8.5 months

Neve 8.5 months

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6 thoughts on “Egg Shaker

  1. Such beautiful light, the photo on the bottom is brilliant! All those textures, socks, toy, hair, bedding. So lovely.

  2. SUCH amazing pictures! and the most beautiful baby girl!

  3. 8.5 months, may you keep smiling the next 85 years and beyond, may you always know how loved and cherished and wanted you are......

  4. Such a lovely princess... love her naked body only with those cute socks... great job, Julia! Kiss for Neve!

  5. Anonymous05:13

    Oh I love these photos, that little sun spot on the bed... perfect!

  6. These are beautiful!! And not helpful at all for the baby fever I have ;-)


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