Museums of Istanbul: Istanbul Modern and Antrepo 3

Yesterday I went to a photography exhibition in the small gallery on Taksim Square, and today me and my friend Ping set off to look at an exhibition of portrait photography at Istanbul Modern. On Thursdays residents of Turkey, as I have been for a few months, get in for free. Istanbul Modern is one of the places Matti likes the most, so it's very familiar to us all. Matti is a boy who likes to catalogue and a couple of years ago I made the mistake of buying him the book that accompanied the exhibition that was current at the time. He insisted on doing the whole exhibition in catalogue order never minding that this did not relate to where the artworks were exhibited. For three and a half hours (with baby Anton moaning and me increasingly desperate for a wee) we walked from one end of the gallery to the other, downstairs and up, in order to see every exhibit in catalogue order. It makes me realise how far we have come, Matti and me, I am much more able to ask him to think of others and he is so much better at doing it.

Next to Istanbul Modern is another exhibition space called Antrepo 3. We have seen 'Bodyworlds' and 'Van Gogh Live' there, and the kids love how vast it is. Today we went in to see a free exhibition by Ahmet Güneştekin called 'Yüzleşme' or 'Encounter'. This was good for being the kind of bright 3D art that children enjoy. It was also a chance to take a few pictures which you can't do in Istanbul Modern. When we got to the main gallery the photography exhibition was really wonderful and the Biennial is on at the moment too, so there is plenty of reason to go, though don't go there hungry unless you are willing to pay a lot in the cafe  (the view is almost worth it though). I have to admit that there are great baby-changing facilities two minutes from the cafe in the main toilets, which I didn't realise when me and my sister protested the lack of them by changing Pepi and Neve on scarves on the floor!

Ping, Anton and Neve in Antrepo 3.

Neve with art by Ahmet Güneştekin.

Art by Ahmet Güneştekin.

Art by Ahmet Güneştekin.

Ping, Anton and Neve looking at a painting by Ahmet Güneştekin.

Off to escape the rain in Istanbul Modern.

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5 thoughts on “Museums of Istanbul: Istanbul Modern and Antrepo 3

  1. Such amazing pictures, They would look stunning on display, really artistic and interesting!And it is really brilliant how you can see how far Matti has came. Wonderfull also that you all have these amazing opportunities to experience these works of art. I even find looking at your pictures enriching!!!

  2. Julia, you have a very special eye for wonderful situations... lovely pics. Baby in the pram and Neve (I think so) crawling... too cute!

  3. What a fantastic series - I especially love the last one - the rain is so evocative. Funny but I don't think of Istanbul as a place that rains - but then I'm in Vancouver the land of rain!

  4. Thanks for another lovely day out (aside from the grim weather), it's nice to have some mental/cultural nourishment! Gorgeous photos, you always had a good eye, now you just need a good camera to get your career rolling. Let's do something again soon.


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