Istanbul Modern (again!)

Matti had a workshop at Istanbul Modern this morning so we all got a culture fix nice and early in the day. You can't take photos in the gallery itself so I took a few from the terrace and the entrances and then had to put my camera away!

The view from the entrance.

Running Anton, standing sculpture.

The historical peninsula reflected in the gallery window.

Me in the window with the Islands I live on behind me.

The view towards Galata Bridge.

Anton at the gallery doors.

Anton is longing to push cars off these stairs but if we say yes we will be here all day!

Istanbul under construction.

Coaxing Anton down.

Mimar Sinan architecture, sculpture.

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4 thoughts on “Istanbul Modern (again!)

  1. AMAZING photos!!! That 4th one is really something! I really like the bottom 3 a lot too. Great perspective.

  2. It is truly beautiful there, I always love seeing your photos!

  3. I love all the color contrasts with the black and red. I love how you catch your little boy from far away. Beautiful!!


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