Christmas Day

Looking at the nativity scene at the Austrian Church

Straw decorations at the Austrian Church

Long taxi rides are welcome time with my eldest

Debating the flags on the map

Pondering chin, tiny tum

Ruskin napping, Ville writing subtitles for 'Karl Bertils Julsaga'.

Neve's new friend from Finland

So much to see
The new garage and the 'best pyjamas in the world'

Hours of play-doh heaven

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4 thoughts on “Christmas Day

  1. Wonderful pics, Julia! Smiling Neve and Anton with his sweet pj are my favorites!
    Hope you had a wonderful day and evening with your loved ones... sending a warm christmas hug your way my friend!

  2. ohhh looks like such a lovely cosy family day! love all the pjs and happy kids! so glad you had such a nice day - happy new year from our family to yours! many blessings for 2013 xx

  3. Beautiful photos of all your people together for Christmas! I hope you all had a lovely day :)

  4. It looks like a good day! Belated Merry Christmas!


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