Standing Girl.

I am really pleased to report that the start of the week brought calm to our neck of the woods. The first photograph shows Anton as he stood by the window from which no gas-masked protesters could be spotted. His relief that there was 'nothing out there' that day was palpable.

On Thursday we picked Ruskin up from the airport for a long summer together, now that his exams are finished. Of course he was curious to see Taksim Square (I am sure he was actually quite sorry to miss all the action) and on Friday we went to take a look at the scars of the protest and it's latest incarnation: 'standing people'. Since one man (quickly dubbed 'standing man') stood for hours in the middle of the Square in a silent, peaceful continuation of the protest, others have started to do the same. The kids played among the 50 or so protesters stood at Taksim under the watchful eye of the huge Atatürk picture that replaced the protest banners. If you were visiting Taksim for the first time you might not notice the changes that Ruskin and I saw. You might think one end of Taksim was a bus station if you didn't know that the municipal buses are full of police. The memorial, like so much of the centre of the city, is covered in grey paint hiding anti-Erdoğan slogans. Gezi Park is lovelier than it ever was before (it was never very pretty) with new turf laid and flowers planted. This time will take its place in Turkish history and there is a strange feeling to the physical manifestations of this unrest being the backdrop to the small milestones of our kids histories: Neve's steps, Anton's vocabulary stretching to meet what he has witnessed, the siblings forging ever tighter bonds (though we are all missing Matti who is visiting his Grandma near Ankara before we go to Finland).

This is our last week on the Island of Heybeliada where we have lived until we started spending the majority of our time in Beşiktas a few months ago. The Island looks incredible right now but I am ready to leave it. Typically for us we have not involved any removals service and are moving our things case by case by boat and taxi! Happily there is still time in the evenings to enjoy the abundance of flowers against the mellowing sparkle of the sea.

Gazing at the calm outside the window.

Felt tip happy.

On the way home.

Heybeliada heaven.

Sea bus.

Listening intently.

Watching Neve.

Esnaf Lokantası.

A 'standing man' at Taksim Square.

Atatürk and our standing girl.

Neve and a lot of police filled buses.

Helping hands.

Anton and Neve, Taksim Square.

Den picnic.

Ruskin, Anton and Neve.

Denim pinafore.

Neve through pink flowers.

Eldest, youngest.

Our eldest.

Hold my hand.




Green dress drying.

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10 thoughts on “Standing Girl.

  1. Glad to hear that you are safe and that everyone is back together. Best of luck with your move. That ice cream cone (and the girl eating it) look delicious.

  2. Anonymous12:58

    Another beautiful post Julia. I just adore the top image those shadows are stunning and you've really captured his emotions. Hope the move goes well.

  3. This post is full of beauty! You are full of talent. I think the fourth from the bottom is my favorite, but I'm a sucker for lens flares. ;) The ice cream cone one is a close second. And I love her little green dress.

  4. Oh my goodness Julia the lighting in your pictures this week are just amazingly perfect! I hope your move goes well and can't wait to see pictures from your trip!

  5. Anonymous15:24

    Gorgeous photos

  6. Julia of course these are another stunning set of photographs. I wish I had your eye and talent. I am also happy to read that things have calmed over there.

    My favourite thing about this set though is to see the gorgeous ones with Ruskin in, not just because they are such beautiful photos, but because to have him back with the rest of your family must make you feel complete.

  7. I absolutely adore that 4th photo!! What an awesome moment you captured. I really, really love the 8th photo too. 10 is just so sweet!! And 12, 14, 16 and 17 are beautiful too. And then, of course, there's that photo of Anton, Ruskin and the light that is pure magic!!

  8. Julia,
    these really are MAGIC photos.

    And it feels so timely to have connected with you - were were meant to be going through Istanbul on our way back from Europe (to Australia) in January - but the recent trouble has left us unsure... My husband in particular is hesitant. Seeing your images brings another perspective to the conversation. Thank you.

    Amber. x

  9. Amber: If you do decide to come lets meet up and let me take you around a bit (and we can take a few photos!!!!).

  10. I certainly will! That would be lovely (it's funny how quickly you can feel connection with people through mutual glimpses into our lives). x


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