Our Littlest Sapling

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11 thoughts on “Our Littlest Sapling

  1. Really lovely post Julia. Neve is just too cute. How old is she now?

  2. She'll already be 11 months on the 17th of this month. It has really flown. However much I love the newborn phase this is better. I love that she looks so much less vulnerable and she spends all her time pulling herself up and really interacts with her brothers. We will have to have a cuppa next time I come (where do you live?) and I can try and persuade your beautiful kiddos to let me take some pictures of them.

  3. Aww she is only 6 weeks older than Eden. It is scary how quick it goes isn't it? I'm with you on their interaction with their siblings; it really is so lovely to watch.

    I'm in Birmingham, but am always happy to go on a little road trip and the kids would have a ball. I really love it when other people take photographs of my kids and I adore the angles and composition of your photos so yes please:-)

  4. beautiful Neve :) I need to get a suit like that for Riggs - it's so muddy out right now and the snowsuit we have isn't a waterproof material so it gets really dirty.

  5. I love the puffy outfit, so gorgeous (and useful). It's wonderful seeing a combination of your little blossom and the new buds of (almost) spring all glowing and growing together.

  6. She's such a cutie! I love her snuggly little outfit. This is a very fun age! Aubrie turned 11 months old last week.

  7. I love these little saplings in pink/red. How time just goes. Now darling Neve is already almost a year. And spring and hope and growth and adventure and life is just around the corner, a celebration for all our saplings [and of course you and Ville, the neutering tree!}

  8. Such gorgeous photos, love your photos, and what a cutie :)

  9. Love this post! All of the sapling are beautiful, especially your sweet little Neve. She looks gorgeous all snug, just taking it all in. My favorites are #4 and the last one.

  10. Haven't "seen" you for a few days and I was wondering if everything was okay? Hope you are well!

  11. Lisa, thanks so much for checking in on me. Where does the time go? We have been so busy and I don't think it will ease up any-time soon! All in a good way though and we are about to start a month of visitors and visiting. I am determined to at least post pictures today though. Yours are just getting better and better.


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